Friday, March 30, 2012

Terra Madre - second essay

What is your vision for the food movement? How have you contributed to this vision locally, nationally, and globally?

Just now, my youngest (5) asked me “What are you doing?”  I told him I was writing; but, the real answer is that I’m changing the world.  This would have been hubris when our family embarked on our sustainable farming adventure ten years ago. Over the past decade, I’ve learned that sustainability is as much about the support and involvement of community as it is about farming practices.  
Just as we are feeling the effects of Norman Borlaug’s “green revolution” forty years hence, the eating and farming decisions we make today will ripple into tomorrow.  My vision is that I help to teach people to eat thoughtfully with import and a connection to their food and their grower.  My hope is that my small efforts combined with many others locally, nationally, and globally will reach Malcolm Gladwell’s “magic moment” when it “…tips, and spreads like wildfire.”

A to Z blog challenge

So.... beginning this Sunday, we will be posting nearly daily (A-Z through April) to this blog. I'd like to say that I'm prepared and have a backlog of posts all ready to go.

I don't, but I've got a theme. I'm going to focus on COMMUNITY, specifically, on Cedar Valley Sustainable Farm's community. As I've thought about it, delivering food to over 200 families a month is definitely a group effort!

Over the next month, I hope to give an overview of what our farm's community is and just how important it is.